Storage Update and Pressing Apples
Progress continues on the permanent storage facility. Because it is only to be used for storing and aging the barrels of alcohol, it only needs to be a relatively simple structure. But this still takes time to do right.
Pressing Apples
A nice group gathered at Lynn's place the other day to press some freshly picked apples with an antique apple press. The press was made in 1868 to be exact, but its solid, cast iron construction still works just fine. (It makes me wonder what made today will still be in use 150 years from now).
The apples were from a nearby orchard that allows people to pick fallen apples and leave a donation. The donation goes to the local food bank.
Pressing apples is actually a fun and simple process. First you cut the apples into thirds or quarters. They are put into the top part of the press that has a kind of spinning grinder in it. This is turned by cranking the big wheel on the side of the press, like you see Larry doing. From there the ground up apples fall into a large bucket underneath.
I know! It doesn't looks very appetizing at this point, but that mush in there is all just ground up apples, and quite delicious. But the process isn't done of course. Next is to press the apples down, squeezing out as much of the juice as possible.
Of course, after a job well done, it's nice to kick back with a smooth drink of Chadwick's Maple Craft Spirits. Luckily, the great tastes of local food truck, Steel House Oven was on hand to bake up some hot fresh pizza to go along. Fresh Cider, Hot pizza, a nice fire, and a glass of Chadwick's Maple Craft Spirits; now that's a good night.