For the average American, flowers are primarily known as a thing of decoration, with little more value than a splash of color in a room or on a corsage. But the reality is, flowers, especially wildflowers, in combination with pollinating insects (like bees) are the very backbone of nearly all of the food we depend upon on a daily basis.
It has been said, quite accurately, that at one point in time, all flowers were wildflowers. And without any "help" from mankind, they flourished and spread throughout the world. For many reasons though, the number of crucial wildflowers has been on the decline for decades. Thus, seeing the vast display of flowers readily on hand throughout Larry Chadwick's property is a remarkable treat to behold.
Ann Chadwick's favorite Orchid.
This is just a very small collection of photographs of the breath-taking flowers on Larry's property. These photos were graciously taken by Larry's daughter Laurel.