Collecting Maple Sap
It's that time again! Even though snow is still on the ground, Spring is around the corner, and the it's time start collecting sap from the maple trees.
One of the great things about Chadwick's Maple Flavored Craft Spirits is that the Maple Flavoring is not only 100% Pure Maple Syrup, but the sap it comes from is tapped from the Chadwick's own maple trees.
Like Larry said in an earlier post, it takes about 40 gallons of raw sap to get just 1 gallon of syrup. The process of boiling it down is relatively simple, but requires a solid understanding of what you're doing, because it's surprisingly easy to "burn" the sap if you're not careful. Fortunately, the Chadwicks, like many people in northern regions, have been doing this for generations, and wouldn't be afraid to say they have it down to an art.